Sunday, February 17, 2019

3 Strategies for Closing Your Prospect


Closing your prospect is the most important stage in the selling process. Without closing your prospect you can’t help them get what they want out of life. Without closing your prospect, you don’t build your organization. Without closing your prospect, you don’t earn any income. So no matter how good you prospect, invite and present your products and opportunity, if you can’t close your prospect, all those efforts would be lost.
So in this article, I’ll be featuring 3 Closing Strategies from the book “Sponsor More Downlines” jeonir baylosis which you can immediately use in your business.
1.The Number Close

After the presentation, you will be asking your prospect to rate himself on a scale of 1 to 10. With 1 being “not interested at all in network marketing” and 10 being “ready to join network marketing”.
By making the prospect rank himself, you gain an idea of how interested he is really in joining a network marketing business. It also helps the prospect make a decision as to whether he will really join your network and start selling or whether he will opt-out of the meeting without committing anything.
  • If the prospect rates himself from 1 to 5 on that scale you mentioned, then you can tell the prospect that it’s okay that he’s not interested. Thank him for his time, wish him well. (No need to waste time and effort on people who aren’t interested).
  • If the prospect rates himself from 6 to 8 then this means they just have a few objections. If you’re able to handle these well, there’s a good chance you’ll be able to sponsor them into your organization. So in this case, it’s good to ask, “So anu-ano yung reasons kung bakit mo nasabing 7?” From here, you can now identify their objections and answer them one at a time.
  • If the prospect rates himself from 9 to 10, then congratulations! Yyou just sponsored one more person! You should now encourage your prospect’s enthusiasm by asking him when he would like to start with the training
2..The Challenge Close

In the Challenge Close, you will present a challenge question to your prospects’ “Deep Why” in order for them to close themselves on the business. For this strategy, it is crucial that you’ve already uncovered your prospects’ “Deep Why” and that they are open for business. Here are the sample questions:
  • Seryoso ka ba kanina nung sinabi mo sa akin na… <your prospects’ deep reason why>?
  • So base dito sa mga nakikita mo, sa opinion mo lang, tingin mo ba makakatulong itong business opportunity na to para <insert your prospects deep reason why>?
This method of closing is very effective because you are no longer talking about the business, but their goals. And by keeping them focused on their goals, you are making them realize that your opportunity can help them achieve their goals.
 3.The Consultant Close

The consultant close is one of my favorite approaches because it demonstrates a lot of posture and confidence in your business. Its general approach is that you already ASSUME that your prospect will join you, so the questions you ask are those that help them visualize how they would go about doing the business. Parang boss and leader na talaga ang dating mo with this method.
Here are some sample questions:
  • So base sa pinakita ko sayo, magkano ang gusto mong kitain kada buwan working part time?
  • Ok, that’s good. Mga ilang oras kada linggo naman ang pwede mong ilaan para sa business na ito? Ito yung para ma achieve mo yung (their answer in #1) income target mo?
  • Ok, so sabihin na natin kumikita ka na ng P______ kada buwan by working ____ hrs per week. Ano yung pinaka malaking benefit na ito para sa’yo o para sa pamilya mo?
There are more lines to ask in sequence but by asking these types of questions, your prospects are already visualizing and imagining that they are doing the business, and that they are reaping the reward of the business! This is very powerful stuff!

Which one is the best?

From experience, it’s best to mix and match all of it depending on the situation. But my standard approach is to start with the number close to weed-out uninterested prospects, and identify the objections. Then I proceed with the consultant close to reconnect them with their goals. Then end it with the challenge close to seal the deal. And I strongly recommend you start doing the same!
(But first, you’ll need to learn the full-scripts and comprehensive examples of how each type of closing works out from the Sponsor More Downlines e-book.)
Okay, in several past articles, I have mentioned the Sponsor More Downlines e-book many, many times. This is because it is the best resource out there for Filipino Network Marketers! Doing MLM without the Sponsor More Downlines training is like going to war without armor, guns and ammo! The business becomes difficult, full of rejections, and impossible if you don’t equip yourself with the right tools.

But with the knowledge inside Sponsor More Downlines, you’ll get results faster, and much more importantly, you’ll start to ENJOY network marketing! It will feel like you’re playing a game as you try out and discover the very powerful scripts inside the training. So if you haven’t gotten the Sponsor More Downlines training, then get it now by clicking here or on the image below.

P.S. For a very limited time, the SMD package is at a 50% discount and comes with a 30-day money back guarantee. So there’s literally nothing to lose, and everything to gain by getting the best MLM training for Pinoy Network Marketers.
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